About Christopher Trung

It was not written in the cards for Christopher Trung to become a politician. His early life was marked by a journey that took him from an orphanage in Vietnam to Denmark. Despite attending a special school during his childhood, a upbringing rooted in strong values and some wise choices have shaped him into the inspiring person he is today. Whether as a member of the City Council in Slagelse Municipality for the Danish political party Radikale Venstre, as an active volunteer in community life, or as a staunch advocate for people with disabilities.

As an infant, Christopher was adopted from Vietnam by a Danish couple. Unfortunately, his biological mother was ill and made the decision to place Christopher in a protective center, hoping he would have better opportunities in life than she could provide. A few months later, he was adopted by Holger and Jette, who raised Christopher with solid values that have defined him today. To honor his biological mother and her decision, Christopher’s parents chose to keep his birth name “Trung” as part of his name. Over the years, Christopher’s biological mother remained close to the protective center in hopes of one day seeing him again. Fate would have it that something remarkable happened ten years later. While Christopher Trung and his family were on vacation in Vietnam visiting the protective center, they coincidentally encountered his biological mother. It was a moment of deep connection where she could finally find reassurance that her decision to give him away was the right one.

Christopher underwent a special education at Rosenkilde School in Slagelse, a special school for children with autism. He followed his passion and trained as a software developer at AspIT, and has been working in this field ever since. His journey has not only shaped him into a resilient individual but has also provided him with insights and experiences that he now brings as a City Council member, where he strives to make a positive difference for the most vulnerable citizens of Slagelse Municipality.

Christopher has been active in Red Cross for several years, and has indeed inherited the humanism and moral principles that influences him the day today.